Old Monk Rum 750ml
Old Monk Rum is quality dark rum made by traditional method. It has a smooth creamy consistency.
Its taste has notes of caramel, chocolate with a hint of vanilla flavor creating a truly pleasant harmony.
You can either stick to sipping pure rum to enjoy it neat or you can choose to use your rum for cocktails.
With the first drop of Old Monk Rum the sheer aroma of distilled sugar cane grown in lush green fields of India enlivens the legend
of the drink of Gods and Lords.
Tasting notes
-Appearance / Color
Dark brown
-Nose / Aroma / Smell
Sugary nose with notes of caramel, toffee and brown sugar.
-Flavor / Taste / Palate
Unmistakable Old Monk palate with notes translating from the nose: caramel, toffee and brown sugar, with an addition of woody spice, tobacco and black pepper.
Lingering finish with notes of vanilla, tobacco and brown sugar.